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correcting the future with forest communities



We propose a simpler, more straightforward system of offsetting environmental impact that more directly protects and restores forest cover by, well, protecting and restoring forests.


earth3 aims to acquire “non-productive” land, reforest and restore them, and sell annual certificates to corporations who want to offset their environmental impact. 

earth3 also aims to establish small human communities within these forests, who would serve as stewards in exchange for very low-cost, long-term rent within these forest habitats. 


We hope that these forest communities can evolve to become prototypes of “progressive cities,” where there is a good balance between modern life and nature. 

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directly fund forest restoration and conservation. 

Simple. Straight-forward. Transparent.

Physically provable.

earth3 forests will be open parks where people can come in to experience nature, as well as verify:

(1) that the forest is real;

(2) that the forest density and area declared is true;

(3) that every forest fund certificate issued to each corporation is in fact, true and accurate. 



earth3 aims to decentralise in the long term, where there would be an ecosystem of independent forest builders that replicate and scale up earth3’s advocacy, and forest residents, supporters that keep forest builders in check.


Ideally, there would be a live, self-governing ecosystem that functions without the need for constant intervention and supervision from the central team. 

Digitally verifiable.


Certificates can be digitized as NFTs with expiry dates (annual).

History of ownership can be easily traced and verified.

Everybody thinks it’s someone else’s problem. 

At this point, the world will probably never run out of digital visionaries. But it seems we may be neglecting the fact that we all still live in the physical world—which is deteriorating faster than we ever notice. 


People are investing in all sorts of tools, platforms, marketplaces for forest management—and this is wonderful. But very few seem to be interested in funding actual forests. 

In the future, we’ll be drowning in tools and platforms for environmental sustainability with no forests to use them on. 

As the rest of the world spends most of its time on the digital, we're still going to need people to deal with our physical realities. earth3 wants to do the <literal> dirty work: building and protecting forests. 

During the pandemic, instead of hoarding cats, I started hoarding trees. 

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I got involved with a local group that promotes native trees for biodiversity, and worked with a forester friend to acquire priority species for reforestation. Obviously, this hobby became very expensive, very fast: I grew probably a thousand seedlings out of my apartment in Manila. Within a couple of years, I ran out of space for the seedlings and realized I needed a farm to plant them in. 

So I got one: tekForest was born. I donated hundreds of the seedlings I had, and the rest I took with me to plant on the farm, where I grew a thousand more. This was meant to be a co-working home office/forest, but back-to-back super typhoons and flooding made me pause these plans. The trees are doing very well, however (don’t worry). You can see some of my posts about this on LinkedIn. Click the buttons on the right to view. 

​As for my profession, I’ve been in the tech industry for over ten years now, helping out with content, writing, communications, operations, growth, product design, and anything and everything else. I worked a lot with start-ups and open source projects (this means severely underfunded) so wearing different hats was just the norm. Since 2021, I’ve advised over 100 web 3.0 start-ups, and invested in some of them myself. 

Technology’s most crucial role for humanity is preservation.


And forest protection plays a big part in that, whether the majority of the population realizes it or not. That being said, I am always looking to use technology for social impact. Luckily, tech and reforestation are two things I have great experience in, as you can see above. 

My name is Cecille de Jesus. You can find more information about me through the links below. 

If you're interested in getting involved, please reach out. 

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